Parent Connect



Homeless Liaison
Denise Kreiss is the Homeless Liaison for TPS. Her role assists with educational stability and referrals for wrap-around services. For more info email [email protected] or submit the Service Request Form to refer a displaced family.

Homeless Services
Families who are homeless qualify for McKinney-Vento Services which ensures educational equity.

Service Request Form
Please complete the service request form if a youth or family does not have a primary nighttime residence.

FAQ McKinney Vento Services
Educational Rights of Children and Youth Experiencing Homeless Situations


Transportation Request Form 

Special Education Services

Nutrition Services

School Health Services

Student Services


NJ Department of Human Services
In this guide, families can find info on available food, income or employment assistance programs; caregivers can find information on support programs and services to assist them in caring for their loved ones; and inpiduals with disabilities.

Covid and Alcoholism

Isolation and Mental Health

Stress and Alcoholism

Teletherapy for Addiction and Mental Health

Behavorial Health Hotlines

Mercer County Crisis Intervention

Mercer County Hotlines

Mercer County Social Services Directory

Trenton Resources - State Library

PowerSchool Quick Set Up (English)
Parents that need help setting up the PowerSchool, Parent Portal Set up can fill out this form for assistance.

PowerSchool Quick Set Up (Spanish)
Parents that need help setting up PowerSchool, Parent Portal to access student grades and attendance.

Parent Notifications

Household survey
TPS is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision under the National School Lunch Program. However, to determine eligibility for your child(ren) to receive additional benefits you will need to complete a household and income form

Instructional Parent Videos
Online parent resource videos for google classrooms and other educational links

Google Classroom Link
Use this link to go to Google Classroom. Remember to use (lunch number) as the email to log in. For more help visit the how to videos.

Parent Portal Link
Access to student grades and student attendance

Comcast Internet Essentials Program
Low cost internet program through Comcast services, Internet Essentials

Community Resource Guide
The information listed in this guide are resource options for our students, staff, and families 

Parent Liaisons

Parent Connect How do Parent Liaisons Support Families Navigate School Systems?
A Parent Liaison is a dedicated school support staff that connects parents to resources needed between home and school to further students' academic and social success.


Board of Education Resources

NJ Parent Portal

The New Jersey Parent Portal allows parents/guardians to learn about their children's performance on the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics (NJSLA-ELA/M). The New Jersey Parent Portal User Guide has information on how to create an account, log into the account and add claim codes to access student score reports and video of Inpidual Student Reports (ISRs). The portal will also allow parents/guardians to track their student's scores from year to year, beginning with the spring 2019 results.

PowerSchool - Parent Portal Instructional Video

Quick tutorial showing parents and guardians how to access student (s) grades and attendance on PowerSchool

Scholarships' Directory

Make a difference in our community - Volunteer!



Mrs. Denise Kreiss
Parent Coordinator/Homeless Liaison
[email protected]

Ms. Brenda Diaz
Program Manager, Community & Family Outreach
[email protected]
Office: 609-656-4900 x 5639

FACE's Mission

Mission: The Family & Community Engagement Department seeks to establish strong partnerships with families by increasing parents' voices and visibility in their child (ren)'s educational process. Our school community is driven to boost opportunities to share educational resources, life skill tools, and services to expand students' socio-emotional, economic, academic, and overall school experience.


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January 26, no eventsJanuary 27, no eventsJanuary 28, no eventsJanuary 29, no eventsJanuary 30, no eventsJanuary 31, no eventsFebruary 01, no events
February 02, no eventsFebruary 03, no eventsFebruary 04, no eventsFebruary 05, no eventsFebruary 06, no eventsFebruary 07, no eventsFebruary 08, no events
February 09, no eventsFebruary 10, no eventsFebruary 11, no eventsFebruary 12, no eventsFebruary 13, no eventsFebruary 14, no eventsFebruary 15, no events
Today, February 16, no eventsFebruary 17, no eventsFebruary 18, no eventsFebruary 19, no eventsFebruary 20, no eventsFebruary 21, no eventsFebruary 22, no events
February 23, no eventsFebruary 24, no eventsFebruary 25, no eventsFebruary 26, no eventsFebruary 27, no eventsFebruary 28, no eventsMarch 01, no events