TTLM: “Those Who Read, Lead” Series

TTLM: “Those Who Read, Lead” Series
Posted on 10/12/2022

Mr. James Earle, Superintendent of Trenton Public Schools, participated in the Trenton Literacy Movement’s "Those Who Read, Lead" series. 


“I am pleased to be a part of the TTLM “Those Who Read, Lead” series produced by Culture in Educational Excellence with sound effects. I am a lifelong reader and know all too well the impact that reading can have on our future leaders and it starts with the foundation of reading. We encourage our entire Trenton community to read. We believe reading is the foundation and fundamental for everyone. You can start with my favorite picture book “Come on Rain,” by Karen Kesse. Enjoy and remember reading is the foundation for a successful and rewarding future and career.” - Superintendent Earle



Superintendent Earle is TTLM’s featured reader, as they kick off another successful year of their after-school reading enrichment program.


For more information on the series, please go to the TTLM website: